Bild von der Lorenzini Kita Baki
We still have available infant spots!
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Lorenzini Art Daycare Center Baki in Hamburg Ottensen

... creative from the very beginning!

Baki – The Family-Friendly Infant Center in Ottensen

Located right next to Frieda at Bahrenfelder Kirchenweg 5, Baki offers a warm and inviting atmosphere for 30 infants in a completely renovated building.

In our two spacious care rooms, we have implemented our room-within-a-room concept, featuring functional areas such as a studio, building corner, changeable spaces, a children’s apartment, and a loft. This setup allows us to follow the Reggio Emilia principle of the environment as the "third educator." At the back of the building, a tranquil courtyard offers a beautiful outdoor area with a playhouse, sand, and grassy spaces.

If registered in advance, there is usually the opportunity to continue care in the adjacent preschool area at Frieda starting from the child’s third birthday.

Baki is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Lorenzini Art Daycare Center Baki is conveniently located near the following Hamburg districts: Ottensen, Bahrenfeld, Altona-Nord, Neue Mitte Altona, Groß Flottbek, Othmarschen, Altona, Altona Altstadt, Kolbenhöfe, Gaswerk, Johann-Mohr-Weg, and Othmarschen Park.

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Lorenzini Kunst-Kita Baki
Bahrenfelder Kirchenweg 5 · 22763 Hamburg


Phone: 040 / 23 80 43 00

Spaces Available

30 Infant Spots

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Karte mit der Position von der Lorenzini Kunst-Kita Baki

Daten von OpenStreetMap - Veröffentlicht unter ODbL


Bild von Jana Berndt

Jana Berndt

Head of Education

Bild von Angelina Köster

Angelina Köster

Head of Infant Care

My passion is to provide children with ample freedom to develop. From a young age, each of us has great potential that can be nurtured and realized through guidance and support from the start. Even as adults, we can learn so much from the youngest among us. Courage is the driving force that propels both us and the children forward.

Education, Connection, and Loving Care ...

... for a successful start in the infant program!

In our five locations, we care for about 30 infants aged one to three years in each facility, with a staff-to-child ratio of one educator for every five infants.

When children join us, they are acclimatized using the Berlin model, as our primary goal is to create a strong and secure bond between the educator and the child. A sense of security and familiarity lays the foundation for enjoyable and effective educational work. The Berlin model involves a gentle acclimatization process with the participation of a parent and the future primary caregiver. Initially, the child visits the center briefly and with a parent, gradually increasing their time at the center over the following days and weeks. This process leads to a reliable and positive attachment. Our acclimatization process typically lasts around four weeks.

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Did you know ...

  • ... that it can be beneficial for children to attend a daycare or childcare service from as early as their first birthday? At this age, children start engaging more with their surroundings and begin to explore their environment in a curious manner.
  • ... that children benefit from starting daycare early? Being in a group with children from diverse social backgrounds promotes healthy development. In the daycare environment, children quickly learn to be part of a community, understand the importance of waiting and patience - an essential social skill for life. Additionally, children who attend daycare tend to have more self-confidence compared to those who are cared for at home.
  • ... that learning can happen simply by observing and watching other children play?
  • ... that at home, children are often "in the background"? They may accompany a parent when they go shopping, cook, work, or do other activities, but the amount of time spent solely focused on the child is relatively short. In contrast, a daycare day is filled with experiences like playing, singing, and crafting - activities specifically designed for children, which parents at home might not be able to provide.

As you can see, we think carefully about how best to support your child’s development. You can find more details in our educational concept. 😉

Our Educational Concept ...

... proven and structured!

Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the Reggio Emilia approach, writes in his poem “The Hundred Languages of Children” that a child has a hundred languages, a hundred hands, a hundred ways of thinking, speaking, and playing, a hundred worlds to discover, a hundred worlds to dream.

Our goal is to preserve this diversity of languages, thoughts, approaches, and dreams while addressing the risk that a child’s innate openness might be overshadowed by the often one-sided influences of society.

The Reggio Emilia approach is based on the belief that every child is capable of self- education and interaction within a social context from the very beginning. Children are thus the architects of their own reality and development. The community acts as a co- constructor, and the environment plays a crucial role as the "third educator." The spaces within the center function as a rich environment, offering children both stimulation and challenges as well as comfort and opportunities for retreat.

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